Sub-project: “Capacity and innovation of tourism services for sustainable local economic growth – New approach through development of alternative tourist attractions”

Sub-project: “Capacity and innovation of tourism services for sustainable local economic growth – New approach through development of alternative tourist attractions”

Finance Think – Economic Research & Policy Institute
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Ohrid, Struga, Prespa and surroundings, Pelagonija and surroundings, Tikves and surroundings, Reka, Mavrovo and surroundings, Polog region and surroundings
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To improve the local economic development through capacity building, increased quality of services and launch and sale of alternative tourist attractions.
  • Total budget for the subproject: 6.128.453,00 mkd
  • European Union and Government of N.Macedonia: 5.515.608,00 mkd
  • Finance think – Skopje: 858.200,00 mkd